Definition of Head cold

1. Noun. A common cold affecting the nasal passages and resulting in congestion and sneezing and headache.

Generic synonyms: Cold, Common Cold

Definition of Head cold

1. Noun. A common cold (illness). ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Head Cold

head boy
head boys
head cabbage
head cabbage plant
head case
head cases
head cavity
head cheese
head cheeses
head coach
head cold
head colds
head cook and bottle-washer
head cook and bottle-washers
head cook and bottle washer
head cook and bottle washers
head cooks and bottle-washers
head cooks and bottle washers
head count
head counts
head covering
head coverings
head crash
head down, bum up
head fake

Literary usage of Head cold

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Lectures on fever: Delivered in the Theatre of the Meath Hospital and County by William Stokes (1876)
"... warm fomentations, moderate leeching, shaving the head, cold affusion, ice— DELIRIUM—Treatment depends on (1) period of case, (2) presence of ..."

2. Homœopathic Therapeutics by Samuel Lilienthal (1890)
"Flushes of heat, especially during convalescence, with heat on top of head, cold feet and sinking feeling in epigastrium. FONTANELLES OF INFANTS, RETARDED ..."

3. Transactions of the American Therapeutic Society by American Therapeutic Society, Albert Ernest Gallant, Peter Brynberg Porter (1917)
"In some individuals this sequence follows every head- cold no matter how mild it may be. Most, if not all, of the cases of bronchitis ordinarily seen at the ..."

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